NINE Children Die ~ A Case of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy ? Or Pure Evil??? Part 3
I am going to begin this one a little different... As I have already told you in the past 2 entries, Marybeth and Joseph Tinning, either had the worst of luck when it came to having a family of their own, after 8 biological children and one adopted son all died. The authorities were finally getting involved; but to me, this was way too late. Nine children did NOT have to die before anyone took notice and investigated them. So much tragedy and loss, for what???
It wasn't until Tami Lynne's death, that the authorities decided to perform autopsies on six of the infants/children. The autopsies appeared to be a complete waste of time, as there was nothing to show abuse and by all appearances, they all looked like natural deaths. It was the coroner, Dr. Robert L. Sullivan who piped up and admitted that so many people were in on this situation. He took the blame on himself feeling it was his neglegiance as he didn't pursue it; even though it felt like there had to be more to this. He is cited as saying, many of them were thinking the same thing, but no one did a thing to investigate.To be continued....