The Butcher ~ One of Canada's Most Prolific Killers Part 2.
We are continuing the story of Robert William Pickton, "the Butcher" aka "Pig Farm Killer". We left off with him facing several charges of first degree murder...
The infamous trial began on January 30, 2006 with Pickton pleading "not guilty" to the TWENTY-SEVEN, (yes you read that right) charges of first degree murder.
Obviously there was a lot of bickering and indecisiveness among the Supreme Court judges, one count being rejected in March and on August 9, 2006, another judge decided to split the charges... a group of six counts and the other twenty would be faced at a different trial.
As the trial began, there was a publication ban placed onthe proceedings, and because of this, the public and victims' families had no idea that Justice Williams, the judge who decided to split the cases, had actually "stayed" the other 20 counts... explaining that trying to do a trial of 26 counts would be far too much for a jury to handle. (I cannot say I agree with him; but I don't think it was fair that only 6 victims were chosen. Why them and not the others???)
The official trial began on January 22, 2007. Robert Pickton faces first degree murder charges of Marnie Frey, Sereena Abotsway, Georgina Papin, Andrea Joesbury, Brenda Wolfe and Mona Wilson. The media was now allowed to report on the case; everything that was discovered at the farm, and entire investigation was now public.
The findings, and I am only going to reveal a few of them, were 80 different DNA profiles, approximately 50/50 male and female; which does seem kind of odd because his victims were all women. A loaded .22 revolver (with a dildo over the barrel), with one round fired. A .357 Magnum handgun with ammo, night vision googles, 2 pairs of furlined cuffs and a syringe with some form of blue liquid inside it. There was also what is referred to as "Spanish Fly" that's an aphrodisiac found in Robert's home/trailer.
During trial. Pickton admitted to using the dildo as a silencer, which didn't really make sense because revolvers are almost impossible to silence, especially in the way he was claiming it.
Here we find out what the blue fluid was in the syringe... Robert had told one of his friends the easiest way to kill a heroin addict was to inject them with window washer fluid; this was revealed on a video interview with his friend, Scott Chubb. Another video of Andrew Bellwood revealed Robert had told him about killing sex trade workers by cuffing them and then strangling them. He'd then bleed and gut them for his pigs to eat. There was proof of this when pictures came up as evidence of parts of Mona Wilson in the slaughterhouse garbage.
This is where I feel the jury got it completely wrong...
On December 9, 2007. Pickton was found NOT GUILTY of first degree murder, but he was found guilty of second degree murder times six.
On December 11, 2007, Robert William Pickton faced his sentencing. He was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole for 25 years ~ which, unfortunately, here in Canada, is the maximum a person can face for second degree murder. With the sentencing read, Justice Williams said, "MR PICKTON'S CONDUCT WAS MURDEROUS AND REPEATEDLY SO. I CANNOT KNOW THE DETAILS BUT I KNOW THIS: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE VICTIMS WAS SENSELESS AND DESPICABLE!!!"
If you think this is the end of this despicable monster and period of history; you'd be wrong...
Pickton's legal counsel appealed the decision on January 7th, 2008, citing that the judge's instructions to the jury were errorous, and the loved ones of the victims fought back, saying if they argue that the trial judge had made mistakes, it could jeopardize everything and overturn his conviction.
Pickton had 30 days from the day of sentencing to appeal, so on January 9, 2008 they requested a new trial on convictions of six counts of second degree murder, claiming the judge made a mistake, the way questions were answered by the judge to the jury and Pickton's statement to police.
The British Columbia Court of Appeal, denied his request on June 25, 2009; So as his right to do so, Robert Pickton's legal team appealed it to the Supreme Court of Canada on August 24, 2009. They DID find that the trial judge made a few errors and allowed for the appeal, since it was found that the judge excluded some evidence and the mistake in "staying" the 20 counts. Although, the convictions of the six second degree murders would not be changed.
On November 26, 2009 the Supreme Court granted the application for leave to appeal; which meant Robert Picktonwas allowed to raise arguments about things that were previously rejected in the BC Court of Appeal. Thankfully, on July 30, 2010 the Supreme Court of Canada released their decision and unanimously they decided that his appeal for a new trial was rejected.
The aftermath of this case caused a lot of sadness and anger. Many of the LEOs, both provinically and federally publicly apologized, saying they wish there were many things they could have done in better ways. There was a 289 page manuscript written by a former police investigator that was released on December 17, 2009, it ultimately was denied publication to the public.
Currently, as of February 2024, Pickton was eligible for day parole; but as of the 22nd of February there has been no hearing scheduled and he still remains in a penitentiary in Port Cartier, Quebec.