Justice for Junior ~ The Case of Mistaken Identity Part 1.
Before I even begin with the case of Lesandro 'Junior' Guzman-Feliz (Known as Junior). I need to make it known that there was a crime committed 2 days earlier that is very connected to this case as well. Please bear with me as I begin sorting this all out. It will be split into at least 3 blurbs.
I am going to take you back to June 18, 2018. There was a 14 year old boy named Esaid Hoke, who had been allegedly chased by the same Trinitario gang members. Fortunately, Esaid survived the 16 stab wounds. His assault happened right on Bronx River Parkway, while vehicles just drove past the ongoing assault. The Triniatario gane members, left his body on the concrete median.This attack, however, appeared to have been brewing for a while. It allegedly had to do with one of the boy's ex-girlfriends. Esaid's mother desperately worked to keep her son safe from the gang for months; pleading for him to be placed in a new school district and advanced into high school; but as you hear now, everything she did was futile. Esaid Hoke survived 16 stab wounds, 2 heartattacks, losing a lung and one of his kidneys. He has since moved to a new neighbourhood. This is where the twist comes in...
Two days later, June 20, 2018 the unthinkable happened. Fifteen year old Junior was outside his home, walking down the street, when he noticed several cars; they began to chase him for several blocks. Junior was panicking, and he ran and found refuge in a local bodega; at least he thought he would be safe. The owner initially didn't know why Junior was trying to hide behind the counter; once he realized what was happening, he hid him.
Unfortunately for Junior, these boys/men were relentless and spotted him, one member entered the store and dragged him onto the sidewalk outside, where he was repeatedly slash with several machetes and blades, by four men.... several more coming and going throughout this tragedy. They ended up killing him, but it truly was a case of "wrong place, wrong time" as Junior wasn't even their target.
Junior, in all appearances, appeared to be a good boy, even involved in a program for young adults and teenagers who aspired to become law enforcement officers. He wanted to be a police officer!!!
Miraculously, Lesandro Guzman-Feliz found enough strength to run the the one block to the nearest hospital, St. Barnabus Hospital, AFTER the bodega owner sent him back outside; people who knew Junior attempted to help him; with no success. He collapsed and died on the steps of the Hospital's security booth; mere minutes after his brutal attack.
(Sorry for the graphic photo, but it must be seen to understand how evil these people were. AND Before I continue, I need to share that there is at least one other death that needs to be acknowledged here. The bodega owner's mother, after seeing the video of all the events that unfolded; she had a heartattack and passed away. The owner was so distraught and became suicidal. He remains alive, after he sought psychiatric help!!!)
This is where it gets even more sad...
One of the Trinitario gang members, posted on social media that they mistook him for a boy from their rival gang "Sunset" and it was their subset club "Los Sures" that committed the crimes, believing they were after a boy who had produced a sex video with one of their sisters. The Sister was the one who misdirected them and named the boy as "Junior" because she wanted to keep her boyfriend unharmed, and the two boys looked so much alike.
As if this wasn't tragic enough, the media was relentless and videos of the full attack were posted to the public. (I understand how this hurt his loved ones, but I also understand). It was that very video which gave the NYPD tens of thousands tips as people called in reporting the names of the perpetrators. This is where the hashtag #justiceforjunior was created.
To be continued....