The Gruesome Death of Ellen Greenberg ~ The Parents Vs. The State ~ Conclusion

As you have read thusfar, Joshua and Sandee Greenberg have been desperately fighting in the honour of their daughter, Ellen Rae Greenberg who was viciously murdered in her apartment. They have been commendably fighting the system to change the mysterious and outrageous ruling of her death being a suicide, to a homicide. I will begin with talking about three very important facts that prove Ellen did NOT kill herself, and no matter how the Philadelphia police try to claim differently, there is no denying the irrefutable proof... First, there have been proven beyond any reasonable doubt that there are three stab wounds were committed post-mortem. Her heart was no longer beating. Please explain how she was still able to stab herself once her heart stopped? One of the stab wounds hit her spinal cord cutting the dura mater ( a thick membrane made of dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. It is the outermost of the three layers of membrane called the...