Bad Ass Mom ~ The Case of Miriam Elizabeth Rodriguez Martinez Part 3


Miriam had resumed her role as a pissed off, grieving mother, who simply wanted justice for the murder of her 20 year old  daughter, Karen.

Miriam had the names, and confessions from Sama, and the other gang members; that were interrogated, swirling through her mind, when she realized that people she knew personally were involved in the tragic, violent death of her daughter.

It all starts with her neighbour, Elvia Yuliza Betancourt, someone Miriam had helped on several occasions. Miriam began to follow Elvia around, which gave her the information that Elvia was romantically together with one of the Zetas that had taken Karen. Shockingly, Elvia was one of the people who had been making the ransom calls to Miriam and her family!!!

(I could not imagine how Miriam felt, nor how she kept her cool upon learning that news. I know I wouldn't have been as "kind" as she was!!!).

Subsequently, authorities arrested right outside the very prison that was holding Karen's killers... the same person Elvia was visiting. Elvia, like Sama, had no problem snitching out more of the members who were involved in the abduction and kidnapping of her neighbour, Karen.

Through more research Miriam found that some of the members were either dead or already in prison; while others just wanted to forget the "incident" ever happened. Miriam didn't care at that point; and rightly so. 

Enrique Yoel Rubio Flores, who had become a Christian after that fateful night. Miriam would not give up, nor did she care. Her daughter was dead, and he was one of the culprits that made it happen. She started to attend the church service at his church, just to know his schedule. Police actually came into the sanctuary and arrested him while he was inside the chapel, to the shock of many of the congregation.

At some point in 2014, an 18 year old member of the Zetas cartel, Cristian revealed (like others before him), that Karen was dead. 

The police finally found her remains near the ranch BUT when Miriam asked the police if they found her daughter, the lied and told her they DID find remains but they were not Karen's. 

The femur bone that Miriam found was proven to be Karen's. (Makes you wonder why the police would lie to the grief strickened mother???)

Miriam had one more person on her list that she was determined to get. This person was a nanny, she was a young girl, so her name wasn't revealed due to her age; but Miriam didn't feel that mattered. She was old enough to commit the crime, then she is old enough to deal with the consequences. In total, this bad ass mom, managed to capture 10 of the culprits who were involved in her daughter's death.

Unfortunately, the story doesn't end here.

To be continued....