The Gruesome Death of Ellen Greenberg ~ The Parents Vs. The State ~ Conclusion


As you have read thusfar, Joshua and Sandee Greenberg have been desperately fighting in the honour of their daughter, Ellen Rae Greenberg who was viciously murdered in her apartment. They have been commendably fighting the system to change the mysterious and outrageous ruling of her death being a suicide, to a homicide.

I will begin with talking about three very important facts that prove Ellen did NOT kill herself, and no matter how the Philadelphia police try to claim differently, there is no denying the irrefutable proof...

First, there have been proven beyond any reasonable doubt that there are three stab wounds were committed post-mortem. Her heart was no longer beating. Please explain how she was still able to stab herself once her heart stopped?

One of the stab wounds hit her spinal cord cutting the dura mater (a thick membrane made of dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. It is the outermost of the three layers of membrane called the meninges that protect the central nervous system). She would have been incapacitated, so how was she still stabbing herself... especially since the knife was found in deep in her chest, piercing her heart???

This part is where things are completely bizarre, and who did it is not explained yet. Was it police negligence, or did the murderer do this before they/he left the scene???

When you view police footage of the crime scene, you will see that Ellen Greenberg was found to be sitting up, propped. She was sitting against one of the kitchen cabinets... BUT you can also visibly see that there is a blood line going from her nose to her ears; meaning that she was laying down when she died. 

So, that begs the question... how did she kill herself then move her body into a sitting position in her kitchen??? Not only that, but what is with the lack of blood??? The police/forensics didn't even bother using luminol to check for any signs of blood splatter, or any type of pattern that could explain where the killer/killers could have been...

Ellen was right-handed, so she would have automatically stabbed herself from left to right, in a right-hand motion; then somehow rotate the knife and stab in the reverse way... This is impossible!!!

As already mentioned, the police were completely negligent with this case, right from the get-go. 

They never took fingerprints from the knife, which was still stuck in her chest; not only that, there is no video of the crime scene at all. They didn't even return to the scene to attempt to check anything, even giving the property manager consent to have the apartment professionally cleaned. He was smart enough to record the place before and after he cleaned it; but the police conveniently "lost" the videos.

The Greenbergs sued the medical examiner's office and Marlon Osbourne (the pathologist who conducted the autopsy), in 2019; but were rejected by the Commonwealth Court last September. 

On July 30, 2024, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Eastern District granted a petition for allowance of appeal to review the challenges to Greenberg's cause of death.

Ellen Rae Greenberg's parents, Joshua and Sandee Greenberg have found a new sense of hope with the Supreme Court willing to hear their appeal. The court will hear arguments on whether 'executors and administrators of the estate have standing to challenge an erroneous finding recorded on the decedent's death certificate.'

I tend to agree, this case needs to be ruled appropriately. It needs to be declared a homicide, and everyone who has interfered, or was negligent in any way pertaining to this case, needs to face the consequences for their actions. I'd still love to know WHY the Philidelphia Police Department and the State's Attorney General were/are so determined to keep this case as a "suicide". 

I'd also like to know why Samuel Goldberg, who is now married and has two children of his own, was never questioned once about Ellen's death; since we all know, if a loved one dies, it's the ones who are the closest who are the primary and first suspects!!!

Rest in Paradise Ellen Rae Greenberg (June 23, 1983 - January 26, 2011)