Death Shift ~ The Tale of the Pediatric Murdering Nurse Genene Jones ~ CONCLUSION

For the conclusion of this case, I'd like to write about LVN Genene Jones' convictions and a bit more about her victims. I know we write a lot about crime and we love reading about true crime, love documentaries; anything crime related BUT I have a very bad disdain for people who harm children. I don't know why we even house them in prison; there is a way better place for animals like them!!! Why do we waste tax-payers money on such waste of skin??? (Sorry, I don't mean to offend animals by saying that neither!!!) As of May 2016, Genene Anne Jones was held at the Lane Murray Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. As I had mentioned before, Texas has a mandatory release law that inmates can use their good behaviour for an early release; but let's just say that Texas courts were NOT going to allow Genene Jones see the light of day as a free being, ever again, if they had a say in it!!! Jones had been scheduled for mandatory release in 2018 due to the Tex...